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Open Call #1: Bed Portraits

Open Call #1: Bed Portraits

Description: Our first open call seeks submissions under the topic of “Bed Portraits.” This theme is not meant to be taken literally, but rather, we ask the artists to consider their bed as a site of containing multitudes of experiences. As folks who are chronically ill and/or disabled, we spend more time than the average person in bed. So many contradictory yet complementary experiences - resting/restless, quiet/pain, vulnerability, empowerment, fluidity/conflict, radical activism, calm contemplation….what does your understanding of “bed” bring to mind? We ask you to explore this range of experience and focus on what you most want to convey from your own thoughts and practice.

Application is HERE.

Submissions are open November 22, 2021 - February 22, 2022.


Which media are accepted? ALL MEDIA ARE ACCEPTED. This includes all visual art forms (including installation works), sound works, socially-engaged works, written works (such as essays and poetry), time-based media, etc. If your file exceeds the 1 GB limit on the application form, please attach a still frame in the file field, and include a link to the larger file in Dropbox or Vimeo in the description field.

Who is eligible? Anyone who identifies as chronically ill or disabled. Yes, this includes anyone who is neurodiverse, and/or anyone who lives with mental health conditions. You get to decide how you identify, and we trust you. This is a community of acceptance and openness.

TIming: We operate on crip time, so if you need more time, just email us:

Compensation: Each selected artist will receive a modest honorarium. There is no entry fee to submit.

How to submit? We have a google forms application found here.

Submission Limits: You can submit more than once, as long as the works are relevant to the theme.

Any other questions? Email us, we’re happy to answer!

February 7

Broken Time Machines: Discussing the Work of Daisy Patton