Notable Access Docs

  • Image is a title image, with only text, reading, in bold black font "Carmen Papalia, Open Access" and in non-bold font "2015, Conceptual Framework"  For full document, please click on the link below.

    Open Access

    Open Access

    Carmen Papalia


  • Image shows a screenshot with a red background and a bold black diagonal skinny rectangle, glowing with a white haze emanating from behind it.  Under the rectangle is thin text reading, "score for x," and two horizontal thin buttons.

    Score for X

    Score for X

    Kevin Gotkin

    From of the Creative Time Think Tank: Invitations Toward Re-Worlding



Your Thoughts on Access

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1. What does access mean to you?

2. What would make the world more accessible to you?

3. Any other thoughts on access?